Talent Lydia
Om invulling te geven aan onze missie om van betekenis te zijn voor onze omgeving ondersteunt MATT Talent sinds eind vorig jaar de “Talent Foundation”. De Talent Foundation is een gecertificeerde kleine goede doelen stichting die in 1991 is opgericht om jonge mensen in kansarme leefomstandigheden te helpen om hun dromen over een betere toekomst waar te maken door ontwikkeling van bij hen aanwezige talenten en ambities. Zo kan Lydia haar vierjarige studie wiskunde/scheikunde/informatietechnologie volgen aan de Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University in Bondo, Kenya. Ze heeft een brief geschreven over de voortgang van haar studie. Die willen we graag met jullie delen. Wanneer je ook interesse hebt om bij te dragen aan de Talent Foundation, brengen we je graag met deze mooie organisatie in contact.
Zie hier de brief van Lydia aan MATT Talent
Dear Talent Foundation,
First of all I thank God for the protection and guidance in the whole semester. I thank the Talent Foundation, and my sponsor MATT Talent for all the efforts they do by paying my school fees which makes it possible for me to do the study I wanted to pursue. Thanks for this great support. The semester has been good , in fact that I never faced any big challenge. This time I only did 9 units and 4 common units. Two of these units were somehow challenging due to the late lectures, The lecturers were on strike for better pay and it was a Nationwide action
Due to this we had to work extra hard to cover these units in a short time. Despite these challenges I managed to do all of the well. I did 3 units in Mathematics ( Linear algebra, Probability and Calculus 1) In chemistry I did 2 units namely: Analytical and organic chemistry. The common units were : History of education, Environmental education, Spreadsheer/ database and desktop publishing. I did last semester exams of my first academic year in July. We broke for long holidays from July 2019 till 2nd September 2019.
I greatly enjoy having you as part of my life. I look forward to starting my second year in September. Be blessed always.